
White Endive

Baby Lettuce

General Information
Belgian endive, or white endive, is shaped like a torpedo and grows to about six inches in length. It has tender white leaves with either yellow or red-colored leaf edges. The leaves offer a soft texture and delicate crunch with a pleasantly bitter flavor.

Belgian endive is a source of thiamin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, as well as folate and copper. It also contains intybin which is not only responsible for the bitter taste of the leaves but is also known to be an appetite stimulant and a digestive aid. When consumed in large amounts Belgian endive can also act as a diuretic and laxative.

Modern cultivation of Belgian endive was first discovered in the 1830’s by Jan Lammers a Belgian chicory farmer, who stored the roots in his cellar for drying to use as a coffee substitute. However, after several months, he found the roots had sprouted small white leaves, which he tasted and found tender, moist, and pleasingly bitter. It took another few decades to commercially cultivate this ‘witloof’.

The chicory is grown from seeds, the roots are harvested, and taken indoors to grow again in a dark environment, using a labor-intensive growing technique called “blanching” to produce the Belgium endive. Commercially grown Belgian endive is exported mainly from western Europe with Belgium contributing the largest share.