


General Information 

Mousseron mushrooms are a light-beige to cinnamon brown in color. Flat to bell-shaped caps, no more than an inch across, sit upon thin stems. The stems can often be tough, but they are edible; the caps are often harvested on their own. Mousseron mushrooms have a big flavor and a rich taste. Some liken its flavor to that of a Porcini mushroom. The texture of these is firm and they can be somewhat chewy, but have also been described as slightly crunchy. Rehydrated Mousseron mushrooms retain their flavor and texture.



Mousseron mushrooms are a soil-dwelling fungus, unlike many species that grow on both live and decaying wood. Fairy rings are not unique to the Marasmius oreades species; the patterned growth is also common with Agaricus campestris, the Field Mushroom and Agaricus arvensis, the Horse Mushroom among others. The pattern is created when the portion of the mushroom living underground, the mycelia, grows outward from the center, robbing the soil of nutrients. The mushrooms fruit at the outer edge of this growth, in a circular pattern. The circles grow larger each year; the circumference of the ring indicating the age of the fungus. Some rings are guessed to be hundreds of years old. In Europe, Mousseron mushrooms have a second season in the fall. Mousseron mushrooms are sometimes associated with death, which may be linked to their propensity for growing in and around cemeteries. These small, tasty mushrooms can be found at farmer’s markets in the United States and throughout Europe.