22 Aug Market Report – August 22, 2022
As we approach the end of August we will also be coming to the end of Regier Farms peach season. Troy will be here this coming week, while the following week is up in the air. When he finishes he will return a few months later with his amazing tangerines.
We have already moved over to Tenerelli Orchards for white peach and both nectarines.
Scott Farms is still going strong on all the plums.
Rincon Farms will only be attending every other week (this week they attend)
All types of tomatoes are going strong right now. We are still stocking lots of Munak Ranch heirloom mixes and their sungolds. Their cherry tomato are a bit limited.
As we get later in the melon season some varieties will change or end (fortune is finished for the season). Weiser estimates about 1 month left in their season.
Jeffrey Malinovitz Nature's Produce Farmers Market Update 8-22