Last weeks market was a bit rough with farms not being able to harvest and make it to market. This week should prove to be beter with a good outlook on drier weather this week.
Coleman and Milliken will be back this week, and I am sure Tutti and regier will be too.
The garden of I am not expecting to return this week at the moment. We have received no info that they’ll be coming this week. With that said we picked up from the farm yesterday afternoon and have their Gems and Mixed Salanova available to order as needed again. If you need anything else that is garden of you will have to place a pre order for now. If they do not return the following week then we will do another farm pick up.
Coleman and Milliken both have Sugar Snap Peas now
JJ Lones citrus is all just about ready to pop.. She has a lot of stuff this week with kumquats (including the seedless type) and mandriquats not far behind.
Persimmons are done for the season (anything we have conventional is coming from Spain or Israel)
Nature's Produce Farmers Market Update 01-16-2023