24 Jul MARKET REPORT – July 24, 2023
Lots and lots of grapes and tomatoes at the market now!
Munak has 2 new cherry varieties (blush and sunrise bumblebee)
We also finally have their heirloom mixes in stock. Please keep in mind their mixes are of varying sized tomatoes (green zebras usually being the smallest of the bunch), so they are not all the same large size.
Weiser Farms now has Sunchoke Flower which means the tubers are on the horizon. We do have conventional sunchokes on hand again though.
Peaches and Nectarines will now mainly be coming from Regier and Tenerelli Orchards for the remainder of their seasons. Unfortunately Regier is having a low harvest year and is unable to provide all we need like last season.
While there are some apricots floating around I would suggest moving on as they are of low quality and mealy of the few I have now tried this week.
Cherries are done locally and if you need to continue with them just place on your regular orders. Product is now coming down from Washington state.
Boysenberry and Ollaliberry seasons have all come to a close for the year, but we probably have a bit more time with mulberries)
Grapes are plentiful at Murray with a lot of different types and more coming in weekly.