19 May MARKET REPORT – May 19, 2024
Regier Farms has returned!
He will have yellow and white peaches this coming week along with more yellow nectarines and cherries. We are starting to stock their fruit, and will increase our volumes over the next couple of weeks with peaches and nectarines.
K&K Ranch will be back next week (they are coming every other week, but we should be able to get wholesale orders weekly still). They had some really delicious apricots and I believe she said she will have nectarines next. Also don’t miss out on their red walnuts (please preorder for shelled product).
Cherries are going strong with multiple farms at market with different varieties. We will continue to stock form Murray Farms until his season ends. The variety will change each week usually. They are available in 1# bags.
Mulberries at JJ lone and Coleman farms (persian) have begun as well. Be aware these 2 farms are the most expensive for mulberries.
Plums from Scott Farms will begin in approximately 2 weeks Jay said.
I spoke to Munak Ranch and they expect to return in approximately 4 weeks with sungolds to start. Their heirlooms and melons, and lemon cucumbers will follow shortly.
Her Produce will have their lemon cucumbers in 3 to 4 weeks as well. They are a bit behind due to recurring rain when they are trying to plant. They do have a nice mix of early summer squash.
Fresno Evergreen now has some nice basils including holy, but he is limited on it. This year they will not have much summer squash as in the past. They didn’t plant as much.
Cara Cara has come to an end at the market with both JJ lone and Garcia Organics. JJ still has a decent selection of various citrus. Garcia has a lot of tangerine types.
Strawberries are going real strong with outstanding stuff from Tamai Farms in the last 2 weeks. Sadly Harry’s Berries Mares Du Bois keep taking a beating from these short rains that keep passing through, so hopefully we get those back in the next week or so (it’s still very early in their season)