09 Jun MARKET REPORT – June 9, 2024
Summer is shaping up slowly at the market with the arrival of some eggplants, and quite a few varieties of cucumbers (Persian, Lemon, Armenian, and a couple of others).
We will start stocking lemon cucumbers after market next week.
Tenerelli Orchards has returned to the market with this cherry crop. Sadly he let us know that he will not have any of his apricots this year as they were all taken out by frost. He expects his peach season to start in bout 3 weeks though.
Murray Farms and 2 peas both now have ollaliberries (Murray also has boysenberries)
Scott Farms Pluots began and we started to stock them already. We will mix in more variety in the inventory when he starts picking more types in the next couple of weeks. This means if you order out of the warehouse once we start buying a lot of types you may expect to get a different kind with each order.
I have not received confirmation on Munak Ranch this week just yet. If they come it will be most likely just eggs and some sungolds. They were at Santa Barbara market last week, so we are definitely close.
Unfortunately all the gloomy weather has slowed down tomato season a bit.