16 Sep MARKET REPORT – September 14, 2024
Luckily the weather has cooled back off and things can get back to normal with growth on the farms.
Bautista Dates has the fresh Bahri’s for a few more weeks at least.
Pomegranates have now shown up at Flora Bella as well as Murray Farms.
Scott Farm is still the only farm with any type of persimmon (chocolate, non astringent). But Murray said he may have some Haychia this week (especially if you want for making hoshigaki)
This will be Regier Farms last week at the market. We expect to have his peaches in house through the following market before moving to Tenerelli Orchards for the final couple of weeks.
We hope to start bringing down Frog Hollow Warren Pears in a couple of weeks.
Yukon Gold B potatoes have finally returned from Weiser Farms and are now in stock in the warehouse.
Girl and Dug is playing catch up on some herbs and flowers. Blood sorrel, alyssum flowers, and pansies may not be available for 3-5 weeks. They have decided to cut out a decent amount of their product to focus on what sells best. Sadly this means special items like the Currents and gooseberry program will be shelved