
Fava Bean Tendrils

Asian Specialties

General Information
Fava tendrils have tender oval leaves and spiraled stems that attach to a central hollow stem. They have the flavor of fava beans with the grassy sweetness of the plant’s foliage. Their unique sweet flavor lends them to be used fresh in salads or lightly sautéed.

Fava tendrils can be used fresh or treated as a wilting green; utilizing a little heat, olive oil, sea salt and pepper and the greens are transformed into a substantial element of any savory dish.

The fava bean dates back to the European Iron Age. A bean in name only, botanically the fava is a type of vetch. Like the bean, the vetch is also a legume but the vetch is a climbing or twining plant that prefers a cool moist climate and is even tolerant to a light frost, unlike the bean that thrives best in the heat of long and nurturing summer days.