
Frilly Red Mustard

Baby Lettuce

General Information
Frilly Red Mustard resembles the fully grown version of the vegetable, only in a smaller format. The ornately toothed leaves are a shade of deep green with purple and maroon accents. They average 10 centimeters in length and have tender wispy stems that are less fibrous than those of mature frill mustard. Frilly Red Mustard is herbaceous and nutty with the classic peppery bite of mustard greens. Though delicate in comparison to the fully grown plants, the petite version is considerably more hearty and versatile than when harvested as a microgreen.


Frilly Red Mustard is high in folic acid and a good source of vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.


Mustard greens are native to the Himalayan region of India, and have grown in the wild as well as in cultivated gardens for over 5,000 years. Red Frill mustard is a Japanese heirloom variety and compared to common mustard greens, has limited commercial exposure.