
Honeydew Nectarine

Stone Fruits

General Information 

The Honeydew Nectarine is a cross that is slightly green with a faint taste of melon. Honeydew Nectarine has been specially developed to appeal to our penchant for sweeter flavors. Refreshing as the glistened dew in the morning sunlight. Honeydew nectarines awaken the taste buds with extra sweet flavor. Don’t be fooled by the light green color, because inside is the surprise sensation of the summer.



Honeydew nectarines were believed to have been the result of the cross-breeding of two other pale, green-skinned nectarine varieties. They were said to have been developed by David Kamada, in the late 1990s. The parent varieties were natural mutations, or sports, found growing on the branches of different cultivars. ‘Sports’ oftentimes display the genetic remnants of ancient varieties. Kamada was involved in the growing and management of Ito Packing Co. a one-time, family-run fruit packing company in the San Joaquin Valley. The family was one of the earliest to distribute a green nectarine variety from California. The pale-skinned nectarine is more likely to be spotted in a backyard orchard or at a local farmer’s market in California. Honeydew nectarines are not commercially produced on a regular basis and tend to be more of a novelty item. All peaches and nectarines have their origins in southeastern Asia.