
Micro Green Pepper Cress

Micro Greens

General Information

Micro Peppercress is small in size, averaging 5-7 centimeters in length, and has slender, pale green stems with 2-3 oval or oblong, bright green leaves. The leaves have a smooth texture with straight, even edges, and they are tender, pliable, thin, and may have a slight curly appearance. Micro Peppercress offers an initially mild, grassy, and earthy flavor that develops into an assertive, peppery, and tangy spice, similar to horseradish, watercress, or mustard.



Peppercress is believed to be native to the Middle East, specifically to the region of Iran, and has widely spread across the world is cultivated in Europe and the United States. Micro Peppercress was developed in the 1980s-1990s in the United States, and as it has increased in popularity, it has also continued to spread to other continents. Today Micro Peppercress can be found at specialty grocers and through select distributors in Europe, Asia, South America, North America, Africa, and Australia.