


General Information
Also called the Pineapple Quince. Quince are best suited for cooking, being used for poaching, preserves, or roasting, as this process brings out the sweet flavor and rich perfume of the fruit. Pineapple quince may turn a dark rose color after cooking, depending on the amount of tannins in the fruit; the higher the tannins the darker the color will be.


Appearance and Flavor
The Pineapple quince is a medium sized, knobby round shaped fruit that has a smooth, yellow skin when ripe. The Pineapple quince possesses a tender white flesh with a slight scent and flavor of pineapple. Although when eaten raw, the fresh fruit is tart and chalky.


Quince is harvested from a small fruit tree that’s botanically in the rose family, this makes quince also related to apples and pears. Common quince is native to Iran, Turkey, and perhaps Greece and the Crimea.