21 Aug MARKET REPORT – August 21, 2023
Stone fruits are still going strong. We are doing our best to keep Reiger farms available but he is having a difficult time filling the order for us in full.
Greengage at Andy ‘s will peak this week. They also are hoping to have their Mirabelle plums too.
Murray thomcords have finished up and concords are now available (they have seeds). He still has lots of cool varieties including finger grapes.
Murray also has lots of figs available and I would expect Polito to have this Adriatic ones back shortly now.
Wong’s Valencia Pride mangos are still going strong and we are stocking a small amount of them each week. Get them while they are around as it’s a very quick season.
Coleman farms has begun with their mouse melons
Tamai Farms will begin with their mixed cherry tomatoes in the next week or two and we will transition to their tomatoes instead of Valdivia for market mix cherry.
Stay warm and dry out there with the incoming storm.