25 Aug MARKET REPORT – August 25, 2024
Beautiful day in Southern California as fall slowly creeps into the markets.
Peppers sadly this year have struggled due to the hot weather slowing down ripening. Weiser planted everything late this year and due to the shortening days their peppers and tomatoes are dragging. We are not sure yet on availability of nardellos this coming week, but we have orders in for over 100#. Cross your fingers mother nature is kind to us over the next few days so they can turn red.
There is still a good bit of eggplant at Fresno Evergreen. I did see some small white ones at Tamai as well, but no fairy tale.
Tamai will begin their mixed cherry tomatoes this coming week. We will mostly likely transition form Her’s mix to Tamai over the next week.
Regier Farms has finished up with their White peaches and we have shifted to Tenerelli Farms for the remainder of the season. This past week was also their final week of Yellow Nectarines, so we will be shifting to Tenerelli and/or Scott Farms for the rest of the season.
Figs and Grapes are still going strong at Murray Farms.
2 Peas in a pod has a lot of gorgeous fresh shelling beans as well as giant blackberries and colorful raspberries for a great price.
Now for FALL!
Honeynut Squash has arrive from Weiser Farms!
Apples and Pears are here from See Canyon Ranch!