08 Dec MARKET REPORT – December 8, 2024
More varieties of citrus are showing up each week! Still no Cara or Blood they come a bit later. Plenty of tangerines and some pomelo and grapefruit for now.
Plenty of Persimmons on hand from Briar Patch.
This will be SEE CANYONs LAST WEEK at the market, so if you want anymore apples from them please order this week. After that it will be only Cuyama Orchards for apples.
Dragon fruit has come to an end for wholesale. If you still need we have conventional on hand. There is still lots of passion fruit at the market.
With the cold weather lettuce from the Garden of will still be a struggle until it warms up.
We are now stocking Tangerines from the market. We will stock from Regier until his season is over. Available in 25# boxes or 10# breakers.