12 Feb MARKET REPORT – February 11, 2024
Hopefully everyone made it through the atmospheric river this past week!
Unfortunately, that brought with it other issues mainly strawberries. I am awaiting to hear what the farms quality will be on Wednesday. In general product has becomes scarce due to all the rain and crop damage up the coast. What is coming in is bland and watery with a lot of white and green shoulders. This includes market fruit last week.
Wong Farms has returned with some more things this week like beautiful summer squash and zucchini and both of their basils. There was a small amount of cherry tomatoes on their table and that should pick up steam over the next couple of weeks. Please remember their tomato season in the past ends before other farms are ready to go.
Girl and Dug Tomatoes are returning slowly and we will start to try and keep 5# mixes around like before hopefully by mid week.
Chicory season is peaking and has approximately 6 weeks remaining. Typically we see Puntarelle and Rosalba go away first.
2 Peas in a pod now have their peas in season
Suncoast Farms has started having baby green artichokes and some asparagus. Their Lyonne artichokes have sized back up as well.