12 Jan MARKET REPORT – January 12, 2025
We have not heard anything about the market not operating this Wednesday, but The Garden Of has already opted out for the week.
Luckily we did get lettuce from them and have plenty on hand.
We do not currently have farmers market persimmons as Briar Patch did not make the trek down Wednesday, and with the market closures today we are unable to pick up again until this coming Wednesday. Which will bring us into the final week of persimmon season. Everyone’s fruit is showing signs of bruising from being too ripe at this point in season.
The good news is citrus is plentiful with Murray already have blood and cara cara orange. JJ and Garcia will have theirs in the next 2 weeks. They both already have oro blanco and pomelos (including the blood one).
As soon as JJ has her fruit we will stock both blood and cara.
Schaner Farms delicious green garlic has arrived and is plentiful right now.
Tutti Frutti brought the first of the sugar snaps this past week and expect to have English peas in a week or 2! They also have their purple torpedo onions back which are sweet and delicious.
Stay safe everyone and if there is any change in this weeks market schedule I will send out another email.