05 Jan MARKET REPORT – January 5, 2025
The Market returns this coming Wednesday!
We will have back in stock on Thursday Garden of Lettuces and satsuma tangerines from Regier Farms
We have begun stocking 5# boxes of Broccoli di Ciccio from Weiser Farms.
Coleman Farms chicories have started, but please be aware they charge by pound and it is quite expensive when compared to The Garden Of
JJ Lone now has calamasi and mandriquats ready. Blood and Cara are just a few short weeks away she said.
Murray Farms will have Turaco Bood oranges and some cara cara this week too
Garcia Organics has Meiwa Kumquats with seedless ones ready in a few weeks.
Baby Green Artichokes have returned to Suncoast Farms and the Lyonnes are slowy starting to size up for those looking for larger ones.
Persimmon season is coming to a close over the next couple of weeks. We will continue to stock from Briar Patch until they finish.
JJ has maybe the same time left on her crop too.
Girl and Dug Farms finally has Blood Sorrel and Ruby Mustard back after too long of an absence. Their Oca root is back as well. We are not stocking, but please speak to your rep or myself and we will get it ordered for you.
As a reminder for the new year please order early when possible. A lot of the farms prioritize based on when you order, so the earlier you order the better chance we have at getting exactly what you want from who you want.
The Garden Of cutoff is Sunday Morning, so please try to refrain from ordering on Monday for them for non stocked items.