07 Jan MARKET REPORT – January 7, 2024
We hope you had an awesome holiday!
Happy New Year!
Citrus Season is just about in full swing.
Market blood oranges and cara cara oranges are available for preorder and should be available thru the end of March
Kumquats are just starting with availability at least through March as well. JJ Lone will soon have her Nordman Seedless Kumquats as well.
Lots of tangerines and mandarins with plenty of availability until usually July from at least one farm.
A little oro blanco and pomelo are around, but little to no cocktail fruit just yet.
Pears, apples, and pomegranates are at the end of their seasons in general for California. Most fruit is coming off storage at this point in the season. Things like the Hidden Rose apple will fade out by the end of the month.
Persimmons will fade out over the next 2 weeks. We are already seeing signs of fuyus ripening too fast. Product after that in the warehouse will come from Spain and Israel (typically the box will say Sharon fruit on it)
The cold weather is bringing us lots of beautiful Chicories, cabbages, and now the beginning of sugar snap peas
Tutti Frutti even has English peas.
The rain will also bring us lots of California Chanterelles (this variety is also the largest known chanterelle variety) which are now available from Tutti Frutti.
Last but not least The Garden Of will return this week with a full list of gorgeous Winter produce. We will have their Gems and Mix back in stock for Thursday deliveries.