14 Jul MARKET REPORT – July 14, 2024
Spring is petering out at the market now. We will no longer be stocking sugar snap or English peas from the market. They are low quality and or not available anymore.
Summer is in full swing! Lots of tomatoes, eggplants, cucumber, peppers are showing up more each week, all the stonefruit except cherries, melons, berries.
Unfortunately The Garden Of gapped on green gem this past week, and we are awaiting their new list in hopes of reloading this coming Wednesday.
More grapes are arriving each week with Murray Farms and Scott.
Wong Farms will return either this week or next with their incredible mangos. We are awaiting confirmation tomorrow if they will have enough fruit to bring to Santa Monica.
Fresh Shelling beans are in at 2 Peas in a Pod! Cranberry and Cocoa with more types on the way in the next 4 weeks.
Munak Ranch mixed heirlooms we are carrying are now 15# cases instead of 10.
Enjoy the nice weather