12 Jun MARKET REPORT – June 12, 2023
This week will see the return of Andy’s Orchard with their Cherries. They lost their apricot crop this year due to rain, and expect to start stone fruit next week.
Andy’s will attend the Saturday market for a couple of weeks for cherry season for the first time.
We require 5# minimum with anything Andy’s sells per their wholesale rules.
We will also see the return of Tenerelli Orchards with cherries first.
And finally we will have Munak Ranch back, but they said they have to start very slow and we will not be able to stock them this coming week.
They will also be bringing some sweet 100s.
2 Peas in a pod now have strawberreis (be aware they pack in half pints!), blackberries, and very soon ollaliberries (the vines are crazy loaded with fruit!)
Murray farms may still have Rainier cherries this week, but i would expect to see this be the end of them. We have not received the new newletter yet, so I am unsure right now. On the other hand Murray now has Blackberries, Blueberries, Mulberries, Ollaliberries, and Boysenberries
Scott Farms has begun with plums. Flavorosa is the first variety and many many more will follow (you will want to get his Emerald Beauts, Flavor Queens), and he will have some Mirabelle plums this week.
We are now stocking Frog Hollow Yellow Peaches (cert org) for the next few months as well.
English peas have fizzled out as of this week and may be unavailable.