17 Jun MARKET REPORT – June 17, 2024
Beautiful weather this weekend should finally give way to Tomatoes! We do have a small amount of Munak Sungolds flats left. Hopefully we can double our volume this week. I expect to be able to bring back Heirlooms from either Munak or Tutti Frutti (they may still only be 1 or 2 varieties).
The Fiesta Gems we have had this week from Regier Farms have been fantastic!
Andy’s Orchard should have a bit of peaches this week, but we don’t find out until Monday morning from David Karp. They will continue to have cherries.
Mix Carrots are in a bit of a gap from Weiser Farms right now. Only yellow in 10# boxes were available and they on the small side.j
English pea season is coming to an end in the next week or so. We will have plenty of them on hand from Tutti Frutti.
Lots of Boysenberry and Ollaliberry available from 2 Peas in a pod.
This will be Barbagelata’s last week with their cherries.
Suncoast Farms also has their Baby Green artichokes back.