19 Jun MARKET REPORT – June 19, 2023
The first flush of figs from Murray have begun, but please remember his will end in a couple weeks before picking back up a bit after with the full season.
Polito Farms White Adriatic Figs shouldn’t be much farther behind either.
Cara cara oranges are finished at the market for the year as are meyer lemons.
Andy’s Orchard is hoping to have some peaches this coming week and will continue to have cherries the next couple of weeks (including Saturdays, but just while they have cherries)
Tenerelli orchards will have a couple varieties of cherries this week as well as their robata and tomcot apricots. The tomcots were really tasty today with big hits of honey.
Becky Terry of Terry Ranch has returned with her small crop peaches and nectarines
Eggplants have begun at a couple of farms.
2 Peas in a Pod had their first picks of fresh dragon tongue beans this week.