26 Jun MARKET REPORT – June 19, 2023
We finally have some really nice weather.
Weiser Melons have begin.. all the varieties plus watermelons have started.
We will start stocking the mixes for no later than Wednesday morning delivery.
Murray will have his watermelons shortly (still wont be growing other melons)
The Garden of Red Gem is back for ordering along with Speckled romaine. Still not French Butter yet.
As a heads up Tamai Farms will not be growing corn again this year.. They do not plan to return to growing it. Brentwood season is close, but behind due to the farms having to hold off on planting when it was raining a lot.
Andy’s Orchard may have some other stone fruits this week.. .As for cherries this will be their last full week. David is unsure what may be available for cherries the following wednesday.