06 Jun Market Report – June 6th, 2022
Murray Farms Cherry Season has come to a close as the heat has come and destroyed the last of the fruit on the trees. His blackberries, boysenberries, and ollaliberries.
Andy’s Orchard has not yet sent out an email, but supposedly they were returning this coming week with cherries.
Munak Ranch arrived a week ahead of schedule and weve already brought a little bit of their sungolds and cherry tomatoes in, so its limited until Thursday. They said 3 weeks for heirlooms and their melons to arrive.
Today Weiser had some small not quite read charantais melons, so come Wednesday we will see what they look like and if any more varieties are ready.
Attached to todays email is a a document from Weiser Farms with pictures and descriptions of the melons this year. There will be no prity melons (someone bought the rights to the seeds).
Andys Orchard Returns this week with a small cherry crop. A few varieties failed and they will not have this year as well.
Tenerelli Orchards has also returned with apricots (Robata will be available this week)
Lots of green beans, some haricot vert, and wax beans are all making appearances now, and Coleman’s awesome array of herbs are all available now!
Jeffrey Malinovitz Nature's Produce Farmers Market Update 6-6