10 Mar MARKET REPORT – March 10, 2024
Hopefully everyone is enjoying the warm weekend and ready for longer days.
Citrus is still on cruise control.
JJ Lone now has her Valentine Pomelos
Garcia Organics Satsumas are now finished and she has moved onto Pixies. While they are seedless they are not as easy to peel.
The Garden of will be gapping on most of the lettuce this week and will only be offering Green Gem, Rosalba, and Treviso.
They told us last week Red Gem may gap for 2 weeks as well as the Salanovas (some were quite small on the table last week).
Harry’s Berries remains on off season availability and pricing. There is still no pre-ordering allowed unfortunately as there is not enough supply. I would also state the weather has not dried up enough for all the strawberries to have good sugar levels.