21 May MARKET REPORT – May 22, 2023
Stonefruit is finally all here. Be advised it will take a couple of weeks for the flavor to improve. Much of what i tasted Wednesday was hard and sour. Mostly thinning out the trees so the real fruit can finish up and ripen.
Mainly there are yellow peaches and apricots. Very few white peach and nectarines right now.
Regier Farms will return this week with their amazing peaches that we will stock all season.
Wong Farms is done until end of June when they will return with their infamous mangoes.
Tamai has started up with some sungolds, but about half still remain unripe.
Everyones strawberries are finally where they should be and have some real amazing flavor now that the fields have dried up and the fruit can build some sugar and not taste watered down.
Cherries of course form Murray are still going very strong. Brooks begain today and GG1s are finished up already as he had a small harvest this year.
Sour Pie Cherries are available for preorders only.