06 Nov MARKET REPORT – November 6, 2023
Tomato season is winding down with the rest of the farms except munak ranch; however, their sweet 100s are done.
Tamai farms has also wrapped up their mix cherry tomates. Please order conventional available by the basket or case.
We will continue to stock Munak Ranches sungolds and heirloom mixes until they are done for the season.
Buddah hands are at the market with Murray, but they are still quite green.
Reiger Farms will return Nov 15th or the week after with his Satsumas. Be aware his first week or 2 they can be on the more sour spectrum, but once they sweeten we will stock them while he is in season.
More citrus to come, but be aware farmers market blood oranges typically do not arrive until the very end of December at best.