31 Oct Market Report – October 31, 2022
Grapes while they are still around, almost all varieties have seeds. Murray is just about done and only has a couple of varieties left.
Melons have pretty much come to an end and we will no longer be stocking them.
Same will go for heirloom tomato mixes unless you have it pre-ordered and they will come from Tutti Frutti.
Sungolds may also be done or have a week or so left.
We are carrying plenty of fuyu Persimmons from briar patch and will continue to carry The garden of Honeynut squash until they run out
Weiser farms has radishes, carrots, and sunchokes again as well
A lot more chicories are showing up as well as brussel sprouts, cauliflowers, and fennels. Broccolini and sprouting should be along shortly.
A reminder for frog hollow pears. Our last shipment came in yesterday and will hopefully last until the beginning of the following week before we run out for the year.
Jeffrey Malinovitz Nature's Produce Farmers Market Update 10-31