13 Sep Market Report – September 13, 2021
Lemon cucumbers are finished
Heirloom melons are quickly approaching their end. Munak and Weiser don’t have much of what I would call a mix (2 to 3 varieties)
Watermelon has dropped off in quality and brix at the market
Peaches have roughly 4 weeks remaining. Nectarines are already starting to run shy as well as plums (less varieties available on the plums)
Figs have taken a huge nose dive as some farms lost the end of their season crop to the heat this past week. Garcia organics is just about the only one left and her availability will be very limited.
Some farms tomatoes have begun to slow down or finish up (Coleman) while a few farms are in the middle or start of their season (tutti who typically has heirlooms available through November, and Tamai whos main crops have really just begun)
Pears, Apples, Quince, Sapote, Feioja , and pomegranate have all begun to show up in the last few weeks.
Regier farms will return with tangerines in around 6 to 8 weeks.
Please remember that the provided availability is all subject to change. By the time the farms are harvesting Monday and Tuesday anything could happen at the farms causing an item to suddenly become unavailable. Mother natures a bitch sometimes.
Ryan Polisky Nature's Produce Farmers Market Update 9-13