10 Jul MARKET REPORT – July 10, 2023
Murray Grapes are here! Thomcord, IFG 44, and Candy Snaps for now with loads of varieties to come.
We saw Mexican gherkin/cucamelon/mouse melon at Mcgrath this week too!
With Heirlooms hopefully Munak Ranch can start supplying us this coming week.
Early girl tomatoes are at the market as well!
There is a little bit of sugar snap peas and English floating around. Fava beans will be gone shortly too.
Lots of fresh beans around now (blue lake, wax, haricot, romano, dragon), which also includes the beginning of shelling beans (cranberry at 2 peas)
Great cherries are finishing up. Tenerelli is not expecting to have any or much come next Wednesday same goes with Andy’s Orchard
Boysenberries and Ollaliberries are peaking at 2 peas get on them for your pie and jam needs.
Weiser Farms Magic Myrna season has come to an end and are no longer available. Their Amarosa potato is next closest type.
Later next week we will have Yellow nectarines from Masumoto Farms instead of Scott.
Girl and Dug just announced their black currants are available now (along with the other 3 colors in 1# clamshells) as well as 2 varieties of true Gooseberries (green and pink). The gooseberries will only be around for a MAX of 3 weeks at best, but probably only 2.