

Specialty Potatoes

General Information 

Boniato sweet potatoes are medium to large in size and are roughly ovate and tubular with many lumps and tapered ends. The semi-rough skin is splotched with hues of dusty rose, light brown, and purple patches, and it is often speckled with small, shallow eyes and root hairs. The flesh is creamy white offering a fluffy, dry, and starchy texture when cooked, similar to that of a white potato. Unlike yellow and orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, the Boniato sweet potato is not as sweet. When roasted whole, its best flavorings evolve within its skin, emitting a subtle sweetness with notes of chestnuts.



The sweet potato is believed to have originated in tropical regions of the Western Hemisphere and was grown extensively throughout the continent well before the arrival of the Europeans. Boniato sweet potatoes are thought to have made their way to Asia via pre-Incan explorers traveling to the Easter Islands, and in time, the Boniato would become one of the staple food crops of Asia. Today nearly ninety percent of the world’s production of Boniato comes from Asia. Florida has also become a major producer of Boniato. In South Florida, nearly five thousand acres of Boniato are grown annually. Boniato sweet potatoes are sold predominately in international markets and specialty grocers and can be found in Asia, the United States, Cuba, and Central America.