
Charentais Melon


General Information 

The Charentais is a petite-sized melon averaging 2 to 3 pounds in weight. It has a smooth, hard, pistachio-grey colored skin and distinct green ribbing. Its dense flesh is salmon-orange and surrounds a central seed cavity. The succulent yet firm flesh is incredibly sweet and gives off highly fragrant aromas of tropical fruit and floral notes. Its delicious flavor and robust scent must be appreciated at its height of maturity as it has a delicate and short shelf-life.



The Charentais originated in the 1920’s in the Poitou-Charentes region of western France. It was developed as a refined cantaloupe, free of natural and highly occurring warts of its parent varieties. Though the Charentais originated in France much of the Charentais melons consumed in France are now imported from North Africa. There is a limited production of Charentais melons in the United States.