
Crenshaw Melon


General Information 

The Crenshaw melon, also spelled Cranshaw, very closely resembles its parent melon, the Casaba. Mostly spherical in shape, it has a somewhat flattened bottom and tapers to a gentle point at the stem-end. The hard rind is yellowish-green, and has a rough corrugated texture void of netting. Its dense yet tender peach-colored flesh is very sweet and slightly spicy. The melon’s skin turns golden-yellow at the peak of ripeness and will have slightly waxy feel. Crenshaw melons are quite large, averaging 8 to 10 pounds in weight.



Crenshaw melons grow in temperate and warm regions throughout the Mediterranean and the Americas. They also grow well in desert regions during the off-season of spring and fall. Their parent melon, the Persian, is native to Turkey and Iran.