
White Sapote

Specialty Fruit

General Information

White sapote (Casimiroa edulis), also known as cochitzapotl in Nahuatl (meaning ‘”sleep-sapote”) is a species of tropical fruiting tree in the family Rutaceae, native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica. Unlike the mamey sapote, white sapote is a member of the family Rutaceae, to which citrus belongs. The black sapote is also unrelated and is actually a species of persimmon. This confusion may be due to the fact that “sapote” comes from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word tzapotl, used to describe all soft, sweet fruit.


This is a marvelous fruit that should become very popular. The entire fruit is edible. The skin is thin and underneath is a buttery textured flesh that is sweet, nutty and creamy. Depending on variety, the fruit can range in size from that of a large apricot to that of a large orange, and in color when ripe from light lemon yellow to pea green.


The fruit contain several fairly large seeds, packed together like those of a loquat, and flesh creamy in both color and consistency. The flavor of the perfumed flesh generally suggests banana, pear and a hint of orange or lime, and sometimes of stonefruit or nuts (almond, chestnut), with different varieties balancing these elements differently, and being more or less sweet. They ripen well off the tree and when ripe have the feel of a ripe avocado. Like an avocado or banana, Sapotes are edible and markedly different in texture and flavor at different degrees of ripeness. Handle with care as they bruise very easily. Once ripe they will keep in the refrigerator for several days.


Good source of potassium.