
Yellow Flesh Watermelon


General Information 

Yellow watermelons can vary greatly in size, shape, and color depending upon variety. Whether round or oblong, they usually exhibit the standard bright green outer rind striped with darker green markings. The flesh can range from pale yellow to deep gold and may contain large brownish-black seeds or be completely seedless. While their succulent and crisp texture is comparable to other standard red watermelons, their flavor is usually much sweeter offering notes of honey and apricot.



The history of the watermelon did not start out as the sweet red watermelon we know today. Early texts written by European botanists have been uncovered depicting images and descriptions of watermelons of various shapes and sizes as well as varying flesh colors of red, white, yellow and orange. In fact, the original watermelon that grew wild in South Africa was most likely a yellow or white flesh variety, but lacked the high sugar levels of today’s watermelons. Modern improved seed varieties have been bred to improve flavor, consistency in size and texture and resistance to disease.