21 Jan MARKET REPORT – January 21, 2024
A few things to start Persimmons are coming to a close at the market. This past week was Briar Patches final day and we will no longer be stocking persimmons after...
A few things to start Persimmons are coming to a close at the market. This past week was Briar Patches final day and we will no longer be stocking persimmons after...
The good news is we have all Garden of lettuces back in stock (green and red gem, salanova mix). They also have lots of beautiful chicories including the first of Tardivo...
We hope you had an awesome holiday! Happy New Year! Citrus Season is just about in full swing. Market blood oranges and cara cara oranges are available for preorder and should be available...
Evening and happy holidays to everyone! Cara Cara, kumquats, and a tiny bit of blood orange have begun at Murray Farms. Oro Blanco should begin at Garcia Organics this coming week too. Please...
Munak ranch and See Canyon have both completed their seasons and will not be returning until next season (see canyon will of course return in the summer with their Blenheim...
Citrus season is slowly arriving. Most of what is around right now is some different tangerine/mandarins and a few pomelos and grapefruit. Kumquats are mostly non existent still. No cara...
This week will now bring us the end of Scott Farms season and he will return for stone fruits again. This will be see canyons last week most likely. Coleman farms...
erry Ranch has ended her season, but we still have some of her Shinko Asian pears for at least this week. See Canyon Ranch will wrap of his season this week...
Citrus season is slowly rolling in. Lots of tangerine and some mandarin varieties started along with the return of Regier Farms and JJs Lone Daughter Ranch. Expect Cara Cara oranges to begin...
Tomato season is winding down with the rest of the farms except munak ranch; however, their sweet 100s are done. Tamai farms has also wrapped up their mix cherry tomates. Please...